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Featured Articles from New Green Horizons

The Greens and the Broad Alternative Vote in 2024

As of today we don’t have full vote totals in New Jersey. In some of the districts they’ve only counted 90% of the votes. Ultimately, it looks like it will be recorded that almost 50,000 voters will have cast a vote for one or another Green Party candidate in our...

Toward Building a “New World”

The aspiration to “build a new world within the shell of the old” has a long history. It is typically associated with the traditions of cooperativism and anarchism. But it is also part of the socialist/communist tradition, as articulated by Marx himself. Marx...

Welcome to New Green Horizons

Welcome to New Green Horizons

The Green Party US is the largest national political party to the left of the corporate duopoly. Yet in spite of this, the Green Party struggles to realize its full potential to build the political power needed to effectuate its distinctive solutions to the serious...

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